
Technical requirements

Equipment requirements

  1. What kind of joints are to be made: surface, corner, centre panel, angled?
  2. Refer to the table below for initial details of the requirements
  3. Contact the manufacturer of the machine and procure the macro and CNC software
  4. Possibly procure an angle aggregate if necessary (angle, swivelling, corner notch or door lock unit)
  5. Contact Lamello to procure CNC cutters, CNC cutter arbor or CNC drill bit

Tool equipment

(May vary depending on machine and aggregate)

CNC tools

Tip: Instead of using an angle aggregate, the Zeta P2 power tool can be used to cut the P-System groove in the centre of the surface. To do so, drill two 5 mm positioning holes spaced at 101 mm in the work piece surface using the CNC machine. These are required to align the Zeta P2 on the work piece.

Angle aggregate

Technische Voraussetzungen für Winkelaggregate
  • One to four spindle angle aggregates
  • Corner notching aggregate
  • Aggregate for door locks

Manually adjustable swivelling aggregates

Technische Voraussetzungen für Schwenkaggregate manuell verstellbar

Information: Several tool changes required for angle cuts, drilling and P-System grooves

Information: The cutting depth in the centre of the surface may be restricted depending on the model

Tip: For mitres, spare yourself a tool change and drill the hole using a manual drill jig!

Automatically adjustable swivelling aggregates

Lamello AG

Note: Automatically adjustable swivelling aggregate with automatic tool changer. The profile groove is restricted to 10 mm in the centre of the surface

(Flex 5+C, from manufacturing year 2015)